Windscheid, B. J. H. (1882). Lehrbuch des pandektenrechts (5. Aufl.). Rütten & Loenig. Maastricht University Special Collections. Call number: MU EAA 652-654

Bernard Windscheid (1817-1892) was a leading Pandectist scholar who was influential in the development of Conceptual Jurisprudence. These scholars engaged in academic exercises that aimed to extract and deduce principles of law from previous concepts. Roman law was amongst the main sources of those previous concepts, explaining the reference to the Pandekten in the title.…

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Von Savigny, F.C. von, & Heuser, O.L. (1840). System des heutigen römischen rechts. bei Veit und Comp. Maastricht University Special Collections. Call number: MU AAA 246-252

Savigny was the champion of the Historical School. He was against the quick codification of law in Germany, claiming that legal science had to develop further before codification could be achieved. In order to do this, Savigny advocated for the study of legal history in order to understand current law. This volume, as the title…

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Hugo, G. (1832). Lehrbuch der geschichte des römischen rechts bis auf justinian (11, sehr veränd. Aufl). bey August Mylius. Maastricht University Special Collections. Call number: MU AAH 892

Gustav Hugo (1764-1844) was the founder of the Historical School of legal science in Germany. His early efforts took place against the backdrop of Romanticism and were later continued by, amongst others, Savigny. Members of the Historical School aimed to identify the “spirit of the people” (Volksgeist). This volume was one of the products of…

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Asbjørnsen, P. C., Moe, J.E, Nielsen, K. R., & Henry Stone & Son. (1914). East of the sun and west of the moon: old tales from the north. (G.W. Dasent, Trans.). Hodder & Stoughton. Maastricht University Special Collections. Call number: MU KPB 028

Botanist and zoologist Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and poet and theologian Jørgen Engebretsen Moe were collectors of Norwegian folktales and legends at a time when Norway was in search of its own national identity. From 1841 to 1844, Asbjørnsen and Moe published Norske Folkeeventyr (Norwegian Folktales), an outstanding collection of stories about ghosts, trolls, gods, and…

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Hansel and Gretel. (Pen and watercolor on paper). Steel, F.A.W., & Rackham, A. (1918) English fairy tales. Macmillan & Co. Maastricht University Special Collections. Call Number: MU KPB 010

Hansel and Gretel encapsulates a number of rules. The most prominent rule, and perhaps the most foundational to society, relates to respect for authority. In the story, Hansel and Gretel cannot conceive of the possibility of challenging their parents’ authority. The rule implied was that authority, be it held by parents in the household, the…

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Dulac, Edmund. (1910). The Sleeping Beauty. (Pen and watercolor on paper). In Quiller-Couch, A., Dulac, E., Villeneuve, G.-S. B. G., & Perrault, C. (1910). The sleeping beauty, and other fairy tales: from the old french. Hodder & Stoughton. Maastricht University Special Collections. Call number: MU KPB 047

The differences to be found between Charles Perrault’s version of a tale and that of the Brothers Grimm are multiple and intriguing. For instance, in the Grimm version of The Sleeping Beauty, Beauty can only be awakened by a kiss from the Prince. In the Perrault version, she wakes up by herself. The Prince is…

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Little Red Riding Hood (pen and watercolor on paper). In Steel, F.A.W., & Rackham, A. (1918) English fairy tales. MacMillan & Co. Maastricht University Special Collections. Call number: MU KPB 010

Little Red Riding Hood is a prime example of the universality of fairy tales and the rules they encompass. To begin with, Charles Perrault included this story in his own collection more than a century before the Brothers Grimm added it to theirs. The rules represented in the Grimm version of the story therefore cannot…

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Perrault, C., & Saint-Germain, J.T. de. (1865). Contes de Perrault. Librairie de Théodore Lefèvre et Cie, Émile Guérin. Maastricht University Special Collections. Call number: MU KEMP 079

Charles Perrault (1628-1703) is well known for collecting and transcribing oral traditional French fairy tales. While the tales have various origins, they were mainly inspired by the works of Virgil and Apuleius, though there was also inspiration taken from the works of Straparola and Basile. Unlike the Brothers Grimm, Perrault reworked the tales with children…

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Grimm, J., Grimm, W., & Tenggren, G. (1923). Grimm’s märchenschatz: ausgewählte kinder-und hausmärchen. Verlagsanstalt H. Klemm A.-G. Maastricht University Special Collections. Call number: MU KPB 053 – 0007

This collection of fairy tales by the Grimm Brothers offers a treasure trove of rules for readers. The moral or lesson in each story encapsulates rules of behavior for members of society. Readers were taught the rules through means of fictitious and fantastical story settings, yet those stories thoroughly mirrored the needs and expectations of…

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Grimm, J., Grimm, W., & Tenggren, G. (1923). Grimm’s märchenschatz: ausgewählte kinder-und hausmärchen. Verlagsanstalt H. Klemm A.-G. Maastricht University Special Collections. Call number: MU KPB 053 – 0001

This collection of fairy tales by the Grimm Brothers offers a treasure trove of rules for readers. The moral or lesson in each story encapsulates rules of behavior for members of society. Readers were taught the rules through means of fictitious and fantastical story settings, yet those stories thoroughly mirrored the needs and expectations of…

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