Rare, sought-after first edition of Grimm’s Fairy Tales, illustrated by Arthur Rackham, and published by Constable in London in 1909. This is the first U.K. edition, with 40 tipped-in colored plates, plus many in-text black-and-white illustrations. Original decoratively gilt-stamped red cloth cover. “The Studio”, an illustrated fine- and applied-art magazine, reviewed this particular edition in December 1909: ‘Mr. Rackham’s genius is at its best in subjects that are weird and imaginative, and in this work he has had a wide scope for his talents. But Mr. Rackham’s work is not always weird, for, when occasion demands, his drawings are full of quiet beauty and graceful composition. His consummate draughtsmanship is always evident, and particularly so in his illustrations for “Grimm”. These wonderful stories have never been so worthily illustrated as in this volume.’